Network Communication

All circuit boards can talk to each other. Whether it is within a space, between spaces, or even over the internet.

Remote Actuators

A circuit board can affect decor other than the one it is attached to.

  1. Attach a remote actuator to your circuit board

  2. Select the target decor

  3. Configure the action to be performed

Broadcast Actuators

Circuit boards can broadcast network messages within their space, which other boards can react to.

  1. Place a broadcast actuator in the first circuit board

  2. Place a network listener in another

  3. Set a message on the broadcast actuator to be sent to the network

  4. Set the listener to listen to that message

  5. Optionally, the broadcast actuator can send along data with the message, which the listener can then feed into its own circuit board

Interspace Communication

Broadcast actuators can be set to broadcast their message to another space outside their own.

  1. Attach a broadcast actuator on a circuit board

  2. Change the target space from "Current" to the space where the message should be received

  3. Set a message to be sent

  4. Optionally, set data to send along with the message

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