
For each type of real estate property, various tiers of templates are available, which also control variables like available space.

REMINDER: This is a living document describing a project in active development. Details may change fundamentally in the process, and the end result may not reflect what was presented originally.

Prefabricated Decor

Real Estate Templates come with an included Decor Set. This decor can be moved around or removed to make space for other decor, but it can only be reused within the property it belongs to.

Detailed Overview

Town Square Templates

Town Square templates affect the size of the square, both on the city map and in the actual space. Their tier also has an influence on the district within the city, where squares of higher tier districts are grouped together and tend to be closer to the center of the city.

Some special templates may come with feature structures, which will show on the city map. These feature structures can only be customized to some degree.

Apartment & Commercial Space Templates

Apartment and commercial space templates affect the size of the customizable volume. Note that you are free to change the layout within that volume to your liking.

Last updated