Ecosystem Collaborations

Ecosystem projects may produce resources for the Moonsama Metaverse, as long as their gathering mechanisms are in line with requirements set by the Metaverse.

REMINDER: This is a living document describing a project in active development. Details may change fundamentally in the process, and the end result may not reflect what was presented originally.

Unit Value

The unit value reflects the time investment needed to gather the resource, and takes into account the possible rate at which the resource can be gathered. The Moonsama Metaverse specifies a reference unit value for each resource, which collaborating projects need to follow.

Note that the unit value quantifies the difficulty to acquire one unit of the resource. It is NOT a sales price or equivalent.


  • A project must lock up SAMA to unlock a maximum production rate for all their players combined

  • More locked up SAMA = higher weekly total cap

  • More locked up SAMA also unlocks an export multiplier where players receive an extra % amount of their resources on export


  • Projects must undergo a manual review process before they are eligible to take part in a resource economy

  • Games susceptible to cheating/botting may be required to perform extra moderation of their players


  • Ensure that you either set a limit to the amount or the available gathering time within an interval so that players cannot grind endlessly

  • In some select cases, intentionally enforcing a heavy grind can be a deliberate design decision, but should be avoided for essential resources.

  • For your interval, choose a time span larger than 1d to avoid daily grinds. 1 week is usually ideal.

  • In some select cases, where the daily required activity is very minimal, 1d can be acceptable.

  • For the gathering rate per hour, take a value that reflects a skilled, but not the best player, and take into account the risk involved. For example, if a good player can get 100 units per hour, but dies in 50% of cases, losing these 100, then take 50 as the gathering rate per hour

Unit Value Evaluation

The base values for each resource are based on design considerations regarding their use cases. From this base value, each project may choose their own balance between the interval, limit, gathering window and gathering rate.


Unit Value = (1d / interval) / min(limit, gather window * amount/h)

VariableExplanationExample Value


Time window in which the limit applies

7 days


Enforced max amount that can be yielded within the interval


gather window

Available time for players to gather the resource per interval



Rate at which the resource is gathered on average, based on an average to skilled player


Example Cobblestone

Unit Value = (1d / 7d) / min(3520, 2h * 4500) = (1/7) / 3520 = 0.00004058

Example Gold

Unit Value = (1d / 7d) / min(3520, 2h * 250) = (1/7) / 500 = 0.0002857

Last updated