Nova Credits

The economy of the Moonsama Metaverse runs on Nova Credits, which are unlocked through various kinds of ownerships.

REMINDER: This is a living document describing a project in active development. Details may change fundamentally in the process, and the end result may not reflect what was presented originally.

Getting Nova Credits

Get Nova Credits by importing eligible assets in the Multiverse Portal. These assets unlock a corresponding balance of credits, which expires when the asset is removed from your account.

AssetCredits per unit

Exosama NFT


Moonsama NFT


*Note that these are example values for demonstration purposes and do not necessarily reflect the real implementation

Transfer-less Transactions

All purchases and donations using Nova Credits are strictly temporary investments.

Since credits are unlocked through ownership of other assets, any transactions made with them will be rolled back as soon as the assets unlocking them are removed from an account.

Last updated