Welcome to the Moonsama Metaverse

The Moonsama Metaverse is the central hub for all projects in the Moonsama Ecosystem. It provides a persistent experience that unifies the various products in one shared space.

This is a living document describing a project in active development. Details may change fundamentally in the process, and the end result may not reflect what was presented originally.




Keyboard, Mouse, Touch

For Users

In the Moonsama Metaverse, users can:

  • Move around Nova City, using their personal avatars

  • Create, customize and explore public spaces, represented as customizable town squares and commercial spaces

  • Create and customize their own personal spaces, represented as apartments

  • Show off their achievements through their avatars, vehicles, companions and decor

For Creators

Through the Metaverse, creators can:

  • Create and customize their own town squares and commercial spaces to show off their projects

  • Provide gamified access points to their projects

Last updated