Automation Basics

Automations are built on circuit boards. Circuit boards offer a 2d surface, on which chips and channels can be arranged to build custom logic.

Input channels

Circuit boards offer input channels, which can be filled with outside information like open/closed states of doors, lights and many more kinds of sensors.

Output Channels

Actuators can be plugged into output channels to affect the state of decor, such as the open/closed state of doors, the image displayed on screens and more.

Logic Chips

Within the circuit board, logic chips control the flow of information. Each logic chip can read data from memory and input sensors, and write data to memory or affect actuators.

Memory Chips

Memory chips store data for reuse in logic chips. They are simple data containers and do not execute any logic of their own.

Nested Chips

One circuit board may be placed on another as a nested chip. This allows easy bundling of logic for a cleaner organisation on the board.

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